New Jersey Pavilion

New Jersey's pavilion consisted of 21 small exhibit buildings whose peaked roofs were suspended from soaring masts. Its theme on the state's 300th anniversary, was "For three centuries: people, purpose, progress." In the center of the complex was a "village square," where choirs, drum corps, bands and other groups of Jerseymen put on frequent performances. Militiaman were attired in full Revolutionary War dress.

"Glories of the State" were on exhibit in historic displays, scientific demonstrations, on-the-spot craftsmanship and entertainment. One building was devoted to the inventions of Thomas Edison. Another housed a Mercer automobile (made in Mercer County), and still another offered a 90 second film that took the visitor for a stroll down Atlantic City's boardwalk. A Tiros weather satellite and a Relay II communications satellite, both made in New Jersey, were also on display.

Copyright © Jeffrey Stanton 1997
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