Western Provinces

A gigantic walk-in sculpture housed the exhibits of the Western Provinces under a sloping cedar shingle roof. The relatively flat part represented the prairies of Manitoba and Saskatchewan and the abrupt climb to the summit topped with a clump of trees symbolized the Rocky Mountains of Alberta and British Columbia. The pavilion is virtually without walls and its irregular conical roof rested on earthen embankments.
A winding path outside lead to the sunken entrance door. Inside nine "capsules" devoted to Western Canadian resources and their development. Through experiences of sound, sight and smell, the visitor was introduced to forest, mine, manufacturing, fishing, potash & agriculture, petroleum, electricity, food and people resources.

Western Provinces pavilion.

The outstanding impressions within the pavilion were the simulated 3000 foot descent in a mine shaft elevator and a giant fully loaded logging truck in its natural setting. While the elevator wasn't real, the mining equipment at work in the fifty foot tunnel beyond was.

The agricultural section was represented by a farm with birds chirping, the smell of freshly mown hay, cows mooing. Three head of Hereford cattle stood in a dark stall.

A huge truck transports a load of Douglas Fir logs.

In the central section of the pavilion, open to the sky, was a spectacular exhibit of fir trees tall enough to peek through the roof. Beneath was a 125 ton truck that held a load of Douglas fir logs, each big enough to become lumber for a small house. A gentle mist, as part of the forest atmosphere, fell over the visitor, and all around were the sounds of a logging camp with its chain saws screaming, diesel engines roaring and rushing creek water.

Copyright © Jeffrey Stanton 1997 & 2004
All Rights Reserved